형편상 나쁜 영어로
영어 번역
- disadvantageous
- 나쁜 wrongful; bad; foul; vicious; wrong; wicked;
- 형편이 나쁜 contretemps; unfavourable; unfavorable; untoward; ill
- 형편 형편 [形便]1 [상태] a state; (a) condition; a situation; the state of things[affairs]; an aspect; [사정] circumstances; reasons. 가정 ~ one's family circumstances[reasons]. 국내 ~ domestic situation[reasons] /
- 편상화 편상화 [編上靴] lace-ups; [장화] lace-up boots.
- 나쁜 wrongful; bad; foul; vicious; wrong; wicked; unjustly
- 편상 반장화 buskin
- 세상형편 way of living
- 형편없는 sorry; materialistic; tasteless; shocking; infamous
- 형편없는 실패 blast
- 형편없다 형편없다 [形便-] [지독하다] terrible; dreadful; frightful; awful; wretched; [터무니없다] exorbitant; unreasonable; absurd; nonsensical. 형편없는 근시안 a dreadful nearsighted person. 형편없는 악당 an altogether unspeakable vil
- 형편없이 형편없이 [形便-] [몹시] terribly; dreadfully; frightfully; awfully; extremely; [터무니없이] unreasonably; absurdly; exorbitantly. ~ 고생하다 suffer terribly[a great deal] / go through many hardships. ~ 비싸다 be fearf
- 형편에 맞는 favoring; favouring
- 형편에 알맞다 serve
- 형편을 살피다 pry
- 형편이 나쁘게 ill